Degree in Psychomotor Rehabilitation - University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
Post-Graduation in Psychomotricity - Portuguese Psychology Institute
Clinical Pilates MW1 - Certificação Matwork APPI - The Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute©
Hydrotherapy Instructor
Psychomotricist and Swimming Coach at the Adapted Sports Association of Porto - ADADA Porto
Rehabilitation and Aquatic Therapy Trainer of AQUA INNOVATION
Private/Home Services in Gerontopsychomotricity (3rd age) - psychomotor and cognitive stimulation and Psychomotricity in Aquatic Environment (Childhood)
Creator of the Project “Two means - Psychomotor Intervention in Aquatic Environment and in Aging"
The aquatic environment appears in my life before the age of ten, with the typical swimming lessons. I didn't expect it to stay that way until today. The academic path led us to meet again, but this time by giving the opportunity to those who seek water for therapeutic purposes, from the child to the elderly with and without a diagnosis. From then on, I knew that this would be my area of activity and intervention. Water has enabled learning and experiences that have now evolved and intend to offer others a broad, differentiated and inclusive response.
Rua da Granja, 430
3730-410 Vale de Cambra
(Escritório da empresa Metarlúgica Arcos de Artur Correia dos Santos, Lda.)
©2021 Aqua Innovation